

The internships should start on or after 13th May 2024. You should ideally do the internship at the premises of the company or university concerned. You are expected to finish your internship and be back on campus on or before 19th July 2024. No exceptions will be allowed. You may have TA duties, re-major exams, or any other hostel requirements, and so it is your responsibility to arrive before 19th.


Those of you doing summer internships (for COT credit) should email Ms. Manju a brief update (few paragraphs) of your work every two weeks from the start of your internships. Ms. Manju's email address is listed below. For your training diary, you can simply put together the content of your emails to Ms. Manju and treat that as your diary. Those who are signing non-disclosure agreements with companies can leave out details from the email updates which violate the NDAs, but should still send updates with some information about the work they are doing.


You should have already initiated approval of your COT course on the NGU website (for both self-arranged internships and internships via TnP) Do so ASAP if not already done. You can list Prof. Sorav Bansal (TnP coordinator for CSE department) as your faculty supervisor.


Any research papers published with you as a co-author from your internship work should list your affiliation as "Department of Computer Science and Engineering, I.I.T. Delhi, Hauz Khas, New Delhi - 110016, INDIA".


  1. Ask your internship mentor to send an email to Ms. Manju from his/her official email address. The email should contain information indicating the name/place of the organization/training, the start and end dates of the internship, the number of working days, some details on the work that was accomplished, and some remarks on the performance and personal conduct of the student. The internship mentor may choose to email this information confidentially to Ms. Manju, or include the student on this email. You should expect to receive an acknowledgement from Ms. Manju. If the mentor's email was not confidential, the student needs to include this email in his/her internship diary, that should be submitted with the "Activity Completion Request".
  2. Initiate activity completion on NGU. Provide a link to your training diary and to the copy of the email (and its acknowledgement by Ms. Manju) in your activity completion request.
  3. Students returning late will not get design credits (COTxxx) for summer internships. Students wanting design credits for internships should ensure that they bring their IDs and sign a register we will place in the CSE department office on 24th July 2024 and not later. Please plan accordingly.
This procedure is identical for all students, irrespective of whether it is a self-arranged internship or not.


Those wanting to do self-arranged internships should do the following.
  1. Get an offer letter (which can be an email from an official company email address) which states (i) Company's name, (ii) Venue of the internship, (iii) Start and end dates of the internship, (iv) number of working days for the internship (excluding Sundays), (v) short description of work to be done. Note that the internship should be for at least 40 working days for you to get credits.
  2. Forward the offer letter to Ms. Manju. If you have a hardcopy of the offer letter then just scan it in and email it to her.
  3. Register the internship (COTxxx) on You will have to start an "Activity Initiation Approval". You can put Prof. Sorav Bansal (TnP coordinator for CSE) as supervisor. You must mention the name of the company, the name of your mentor(s), and the start and end dates of your internship in your Activitiy Initiation Request. Also you must provide a link to the offer letter (for the internship) in your request.
  4. On the ngu portal, initiate an "Activity Completion Approval" for the same internship. Please look at the "AFTER INTERNSHIP" section --- the instructions are identical.

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