Operational Semantics

Semantics Overview

We must specify for every C expression what happens when it is evaluated. (this is not exactly C, but close).

The definition of a programming language:

We have specified evaluation rules indirectly

This is a complete description

Assembly-language descriptions of language implementations have irrelevant detail

We need a complete description that is not overly restrictive. We need a high-level way of describing the behaviour of languages.

Another approach: reference implementations. Again, there will be artifacts of the particular way it was implemented that you didn't mean to be a part of the language (over-specification)

Many ways to specify semantics

Operational semantics

Denotational semantics

Axiomatic semantics

Operational semantics

Notation: Logical rules of inference, as in type checking

Recall the typing judgement

Context |- e:C
In the given context, expression e has type C.

We use something similar for evaluation

Context |- e:v
In the given context (the meaning of context is different from the context for typing judgements), expression e evaluates to value v.


Context |- e1: 5
Context |- e2 : 7
Context |- e1+e2 : 12
The Context does not do much in this rule. In general, Context may provide mappings from variables to values for the variables used in e1 and e2.


y <-- x + 1
We track variables and their values with: For C/C++: environment maps variables to memory locations
store maps memory locations to values

A variable environment maps variables to locations

E = [a:l1, b:l2]

Store maps memory locations to values

S = [l1 --> 5, l2 --> 7]

S' = S[12/l1] defines a store S' such that

S'(l1) = 12
S'(l) = S(l) if l != l1

C++ values are objects

X(a1=l1, ..., an=ln) is a C++ object where

Notice that the specification is deliberately keeping things as abstract as possible (avoiding over-specification). e.g., the layout of the object is not specified.

There are constant values in C/C++ that do not have associated memory locations; they only have values., e.g., (int)5, (bool)true, (char const *)"constant string", \ldots

There is a special value void:

The evaluation judgement is:

s0, E,S |- e:v, S'
Notice: the current self object s0 and the current environment E does not change by evaluating an expression. These are invariant under evaluation. However, the contents of the memory may change.

If a linked-list of two elements starting at variable head exists in the current context, then the following is a possible state of E and S:

E = (head -> l1)
S = (l1 -> NODE(1,l2); l2 -> NODE(2,nil))

Also notice: there is a qualification which says that if the evaluation of e terminates. Read as "if e terminates..."

"Result" of evaluation is a value and a new store

Some things don't change

Operational Semantics for C

Start with simple operational-semantic rules and work our way up to more complex rules.

------------------------------     [bool-true]
s0,E,S |- true: bool(true), S
--------------------------------   [bool-false]
s0,E,S |- false: bool(false), S
i is an integer literal
-----------------------   [int]
s0,E,S |- i: int(i), S
s is a string literal
----------------------------------  [string-lit]
s0,E,S |- s: (char const *)(s), S
E(id) = lid
S(lid) = v
----------------  [id]
s0,E,S |- id:v,S
The rule above is specifically for the rvalue use of id. For uses as an lvalue, we use explicit rules for each potential use as an lvalue, e.g., for assignment or address-of operations.
-------------------- [this]
s0,E,S|- this: s0, S

s0,E,S |- e:v, S1
E(id) = lid
S2 = S[v/lid]
--------------------------- [assignment]
s0,E,S |- id <-- e:v, S2
(e.g., x <-- 1 + 1)

s0,E,S |- e1:v1, S1
s0,E,S1 |- e2:v2, S2
---------------------------  [add]
s0,E,S |- e1+e2 : v1+v2, S2
(notice that the store used while evaluating e2 includes the side-effects of evaluating e1). These stores also dictate the order of evaluation of the expressions --- e1 needs to be evaluated first to get S1 which is needed by evaluation of e2

s0,E,S |- e1:v1, S1
s0,E,S1 |- e2:v2, S2
----------------------- [stmt]
s0,E,S |- e1;e2 : v2,S2

s0,E,S |- e:v,S1
----------------------- [stmt-block]
s0,E,S |- {e} : v,S1

Example: Consider the expression

{ X <-- 7 + 5; 4; }
Let's say that initially, s0=s0, E=x:l, l<-0. Let's evaluate this expression in this context (start-state/environment/store).


---------------------------------------------   -------------------------------
s0,[X:l],[l<-0] |- X<-7+5:12,[l<-12}    s0,[x:l],[l:..] |- 4:4,[l:...]
s0,[X:l],[l<-0] |- {X <- 7+5; 4 } : 4, [l:12]

More evaluation rules

s0,E,S |- e1:bool(true),S1
s0,E,S1 |- e2:v,S2
--------------------------------------  [ite-true]
s0,E,S |- if e1 then e2 else e3 : v,S2

s0,E,S |- e1:bool(false),S1
s0,E,S1 |- e3:v,S3
--------------------------------------  [ite-false]
s0,E,S |- if e1 then e2 else e3 : v,S3

s0,E,S |- e1 : bool(false), S1
------------------------------------ [while-false]
s0,E,S |- while (e1) {e2} : void, S1 

s0,E,S |- e1 : bool(true), S1
s0,E,S1 |- e2 : v, S2
s0,E,S2 |- while e1 {e2} : void, S3
------------------------------------ [while-true]
s0,E,S |- while (e1) {e2} : void, S3


Partial rule

s0,E,S |- e1 : v1, S1
s0,?,? |- e2: v2, S2
s0,E,S |- { Decl(id:T <-- e1); e2 } v2, S2
In what context should e2 be evaluated?

We write lnew = newloc(S) to say that lnew is a location not already used in S.

Complete rule

s0,E,S |- e1 : v1, S1
lnew = newloc(S1)
s0,E[lnew/id],S1[v1/lnew] |- e2: v2, S2
s0,E,S |- { Decl(id:T <-- e1); e2 } v2, S2
Notice that the S2 at the end of the scope will still contain mappings for lnew. We call this a memory leak. There are two types of consequences of this:

As an aside: if we wanted to allow only a bounded set of locations, then we could potentially remove lnew from S2 (say S2-lnew) in the conclusion of the declaration rule.

Allocation of a new object

Informal semantics of new T

Let's assume that for each type A, there is a default value D_A. In reality, C/C++ have a notion of uninitialized variables, and associated undefined behaviour. We use:

For a class A, we write

class(A) = (a1:T1 <-- e1, a2:T2 <-- e2, ..., an <-- en}

class(T) = (a1:T1 <- e1, ..., an:Tn <- en)
l1,l2,...,ln = newlocs(S,n)
v = T(a1=l1,..an=ln)
E'=[a1:l1, ..., an:ln]
v,E',S1 |- { a1 <-- e1; ... an <-- en; } : vn, S2
s0,E,S |- new T : v,S2
Notice that E' has nothing to do with E, E' is due to a completely different scope. Also notice that the evaluation of e1, ..., en follows the same order as in class T (greatest ancestor first). Also notice that the initializers are evaluated with a new value of the self object (v). Also notice that vn is ignored.

newlocs(S,n) generates n distinct locs that are not already present in S.



Informal semantics of e0.f(e1,...,en)

For a class A and a method f of A (possibly inherited):

impl(A, f) = (x1, ..., xn, ebody)

Complete rule

s0,E,S |- e1 : v1,S1
s0,E,S1 |- e2 : v2,S2
s0,E,S(n-1) |- en : vn,Sn
s0,E,Sn |- e0 : v0,S(n+1)
v0 = X(a1=l1, ..., am=lm)
impl(X,f) = (x1,..,xn, ebody)
lxi = newloc(Sn+1) for i=1..n
E' = [a1:l1, ..., am:lm][lx1/x1,...,lxn/xn]
S(n+2) = S(n+1)[v1/lx1,...,vn/lxn]
v0,E',S(n+2) |- ebody:v,S(n+3)
------------------------------------------------------- [dispatch]
s0,E,S |- e0.f(e1,...,en) : v, S(n+3)-{lx1,lx2,...,lxn}
We are interested in the class-tag of v0 (X) and its attributes. Notice that this is the dynamic type of the object v0. (This provides dynamic dispatch).

What are the names in scope of the method f: all attributes and all the formal arguments. E' assigns locations to all these names.

The construction of E' is interesting because it has two square brackets: this is because it is possible that a formal parameter may have the same name as an attribute name, and we want to capture this overriding semantics.

The function body is evaluated in an updated store, where the locations of formal arguments are replaced by expression values (call-by-value). Also the self object is v0. Notice that E' has nothing to do with E (static scoping). Dynamic scoping may have E' that is dependent on E.

Notice that we delete the locations lxi (corresponding to call arguments) after finishing the execution of ebody.