Tokens are seen in order of appearence in the token stream
Example token stream (stream of terminals): t2 t5 t6 t8 t9
1 --> t2 3 9 3 --> 4 7 4 --> t5 t6 7 --> t8 t9
Consider the grammar
E --> T | T + E T --> int | int * T | (E)
Token stream is: ( int5 )
Start with top-level non-terminal E (hence called top-down). Try rules for E in order. Walk through the input with an arrow left to right. Also try rules in order. As long as we are generating non-terminals, we do not know if we are on the right path or not. However if we hit a terminal, we can see if that matches our current token or not. If it does not, we can back-track and try another option (in order). In this case we go to T and then down to int, backtrack, then int * T, then backtrack, and then (E), and here '(' matches! So we might be on the right track, and we now need to advance the input pointer, and now we have to expand the non-terminal E. Again we will start with the first production T. And we will eventually match the input string with some production, and we are done.
point to the next token in the input string (the arrow).
Define function objects, or a functor. For a function void foo(int a) { ... }, create an object using
objFoo = create foo(3). The function object
can be
later evaluated using eval objFoo.
Define boolean function objects that check for a match of:
bool term(TOKEN tok, objF) { return *next++ == tok && eval objFoo(); }//next pointer is incremented regardless! Try the nth production of non-terminal S bool Sn(objF) { ... && eval objF; } //will succeed if input matches the nth production of S and rest of input matchesobjF()
. Try all productions of S bool S(objF) { ... && eval objF; } //will succeed if input matches any production of S and rest of input matchesobjF()
Running on our example, functions for non-terminal E
E --> T
bool E1(objF) { objT = create T(objF); return eval objT; }
E --> T + E
bool E2(objF) { objE = create E(objF); objPlus = create term(PLUS, objE); objT = create T(objPlus); return eval objT; }
(with backtracking)
bool E(objF) { TOKEN *save = next; return (next = save, E1(objF)) || (next = save, E2(objF)); }The first rule that returns true will cause a return (we will not evaluate the remaining rules due to semantics of logical OR ||)
pointer needs to be saved for backtracking
Functions for non-terminal T
T --> int
bool T1(objF) { return term(INT) && eval objF; }
E --> int * T
bool T2(objF) { objT = T(objF); objTimes = term(TIMES, objT); objInt = term(INT, objTimes); return eval objInt; }
E --> (E)
bool T3(objF) { objClose = term(CLOSE, objF); objE = E(objClose); objOpen = term(OPEN, objE); return eval objE; }
bool T(objF) { TOKEN *save = next; return (next = save, T1(objF)) || (next = save, T2(objF)) || (next = save, T3(objF)); }The first rule that returns true will cause a return (we will not evaluate the remaining rules due to semantics of logical OR ||)
pointer needs to be saved for backtracking
To start the parser:
to first token
S --> S a bool S1(objF) { objA = term(A, objF); objS = S(objA); return eval objS; } bool S(objF) { return S1(objF); }This will go into an infinite loop for parsing any input.
The problem is that this grammar is left recursive
S -->+ S \alpha for some \alphaIf for some sequence of productions we end up with left recursion, recursive descent parsing will just not work
Consider the left-recursive grammar
S --> S a | bThis generates a string starting with
with any number of a
s following it. It produces the sentences right-to-left, and that's why it does not work with recursive descent parsing (which works left-to-right).
We can generate exactly the same language by producing strings left to right, which is also a solution to our problem.
S --> b S' S' --> a S' | \epsilon
In general, for any left recursive grammar
S --> S a1 | S a2 | ... | S an | b1 | b2 | ... | bmAll strings starting with one of and continue with several instances of
S --> b1 S' | b2 S' | ... | bm S' S' --> a1 S' | a2 S' | ... | an S' | \epsilon
There are more general ways of encoding left recursion in a grammar
S --> A a | d A --> S bis also left-recursive because
S -->+ S b aThis left recursion can also be eliminated (see Dragon book for general algorithm).
Recursive descent
wAb --> w \alpha b , next input: token t//only one choice for A at every step
S --> E$ E --> T + E | T T --> int | int * T | (E)Here, with one lookahead, hard to predict because:
E --> TX X --> + E | \epsilonLeft factoring delays the decision on which production to use. Here we decide which production to use after we have seen
T --> int Y | (E) Y --> \epsilon | * T
Left-factored grammar
LL(1) parsing table (assume it is somehow given, later we will discuss how to construct this):
int * + ( ) $ E TX TX X +E \epsilon \epsilon T int Y (E) Y *T \epsilon \epsilon \epsilonEmpty entries represent error states
Algorithm: similar to recursive descent, except
bool E2() { return T() && term(PLUS) && X(); }We do not need function objects because the trailing function is known deterministically (in the caller) for a successful parse. For example, the implementation for a non-terminal is now:
bool E() { TOKEN a = *next; switch (a) { case t1: return S1(); ... case tn: return Sn(); default: return false; } }The caller of E() knows what to call next now. Previously, due to backtracking, E() required to know what to call next.
Instead of using recursive functions, maintain a stack of the frontier of the parse tree. The stack contains all the entries on the right of the top of the frontier. In other words, the top of the stack is the leftmost pending terminal or non-terminal. Terminals in the stack are yet to be matched in the input. Non-terminals in the stack are yet to be expanded.
Reject on reaching error state.
Accept on end of input or empty stack.
initialize stack = <S $> and next repeat case stack of <X, rest> : if T[X, *next] = Y1...Yn then stack <-- <Y1..Yn, rest>; else error(); <t, rest> : if t == *next++ then stack <-- <rest>; else error(); until stack == < >Run this algorithm on the example
Consider a non-terminal A, production A --> \alpha, and a token t
T(A, t) = \alpha in two cases:
First(X) = {t | X -->* t \alpha} U {\epsilon | X -->* \epsilon}
Algorithm sketch:
E --> TX X --> +E | \epsilon T --> int Y | (E) Y --> \epsilon | * T
First set for terminals
First(t) = {t} First(*) = {*} ....
First set for non-terminals
First(E) \superset First(T) First(T) = {'(', 'int')} First(X) = {+, \epsilon} First(Y) = {*, \epsilon} First(TX) = {'(', 'int'} First(+E) = {+} First(\epsilon) = {\epsilon} First(int Y) = {int} First('('E')') = {'('} First(*T) = {'*'}
Constructing Follow sets
Follow(X) = {t | S -->* \beta X t \delta}
X --> A B, then First(B) \subset Follow(A) and Follow(X) \subset Follow(B)
B --> \epsilon
, Follow(X) \subset Follow(A)
Algorithm sketch:
E --> TX X --> +E | \epsilon T --> int Y | (E) Y --> \epsilon | * T
Running the algo
Follow(E) = {$, )} Follow(E) \superset Follow(X) Follow(X) \superset Follow(E) (in other words Follow(X) = Follow(E))
Follow(X) = {$, )}
Looking at T, and the first production E --> TX
Follow(T) \superset First(X) or Follow(T) = {+} (ignoring \epsilon) Follow(T) \superset Follow(E) because X -->* \epsilon Follow(T) = {+, $}Looking at the second rule,
Follow(Y) \superset Follow(T) Follow(T) \superset Follow(Y)Follow(Y) = {+, $, )}
Looking at terminals
Follow('(') \superset First(E) Follow('(') = {(, int} Follow(')') \superset Follow(T) Follow(')') = {+,$,)} Follow(+) \superset First(E) Follow(+) = {(, int} E does not go to \epsilon, so this is it. Follow(*) \superset First(T) Follow(*) = {(, int} T does not go to \epsilon, so this is it. Follow(int) \superset First(Y) - \epsilon Follow(int) = {*} Follow(int) \superset Follow(T) (because \epsilon \in First(Y)) Follow(int) = {*,+,$,)}
int * + ( ) $ E TX TX X +E \epsilon \epsilon T int Y (E) Y *T \epsilon \epsilon \epsilonFill some entries in this table
What happens if we try and build a parsing table for a grammar that is not LL(1). Example: S --> Sa | b
First(S) = {b} Follow(S) = {$, a}In this case, both productions will appear at T[S, b]. If an entry is multiply defined (more than one productions appear in a table cell), G is not LL(1). Examples: a grammar that is ambiguous, not left-factored, left-recursive will all be not LL(1). But there are more grammars that may not be LL(1)
Most programming language CFGs are not LL(1). More powerful formulations for describing practical grammars that assemble some of these ideas in more sophisticated ways to develop more parsers
Parser generators vs. handwritten parsers (2021 survey)
Interesting observation: An LL(0) grammar can accept at most a single finite string.