Optimization Overview
Most complexity in modern compilers is in the optimizer
- Also by far, the largest phase in terms of compile-time and in terms of source code size (recall: lexing, parsing, semantic analysis, optimization, code generation)
- Two goals:
- Complications in code generation from trying to be fast as well as correct
- Over time, fairly elaborate structures have been developed on how to do code generation and runtime structures
When should we perform optimizations?
- On AST?
- Pro: Machine independent
- Con: Too high level
- Too abstract --- need to have more details to be able to express the "kind" of machine for which the AST needs to be compiled (e.g., register or stack machine or quantum computer)
- On assembly language
- Pro: exposes optimization opportunities
- Con: may be too low level, making optimization difficult (need to undo/redo certain decisions)
- Con: machine dependent
- Con: must reimplement optimizations when retargetting
- On IR
- Pro: can be machine independent, if designed well (can represent a large family of machines)
- Pro: can expose optimization opportunities, if designed well.
- Con: IR design critical for exposing optimization opportunities.
We will be looking at optimizations on an IR which has the following grammar:
P --> S P | S
S --> id := id op id
| id := op id
| id := id
| push id
| id := pop
| if id relop id goto L
| L:
| jump L
- id's are register names
- constants can replace ids
- typical operators: +, -, *
A basic bloack is a maximal sequence of instructions with
- no labels (except at the first instruction), and
- no jumps (except in the last instruction)
- Cannot jump into a basic block (except at beginning)
- Cannot jump out of a basic block (except at end)
- A basic block is a single-entry, single-exit, straight-line code segment
Once we reach the start of a basic block, we are guaranteed to execute all
instructions in the BB. Furthermore, the only way into the basic block is
through the first statement.
Consider the basic block:
1. L:
2. t := 2*x
3. w := t + x
4. if w > 0 goto L'
(3) executes only after (2)
- We can change (3) to w := 3 * x
- Can we eliminate (2) as well? Need to be sure that
is not used in other basic blocks.
A control-flow graph is a directed graph with
- Basic blocks as nodes
- An edge from block A to block B if the execution can pass from the last instruction in A to the first instruction in B
- e.g., the last instruction in A is
jump Lb
- e.g., the last instruction in A is
if id relop id then goto Lb
- e.g., execution can fall-through from block A to block B
Example control-flow graph:
x := 1
i := 1
x := x * x
i := i + 1
if i < 10 goto L
BB2 --> BB2
BB2 --> BB3
The body of a method (or procedure) can be represented as a control-flow graph. There is one initial node (entry node). All "return" nodes are terminal.
Optimization seeks to improve a program's resource utilization
- Execution time (most often)
- Code size
- Memory usage
- Network messages sent, disk accesses, etc.
- Power consumption
Optimization should not alter what the program computes
- The answer must still be the same.
For languages like C, there are typically three granularities of optimization
- Local optimizations
- Apply to a basic block in isolation
- Global optimizations
- Apply to a control-flow graph (method body) in isolation
- Inter-procedural optimizations
- Apply across method boundaries
Production compilers do all these types of optimizations. In general, easies to implement local optimizations and hardest to implement inter-procedural optimizations.
Criteria for evaluating an optimization
- Payoff. What is a good payoff?
- Frequency of occurrence
- Ease of Implementation
- Compilation Time
In practice, often a conscious decision is made not to implement the fanciest optimization known. Why?
- Some optimizations are hard to implement
- Some optimizations are costly in compilation time
- Some optimizations have low payoff. But hard to establish the payoff. Often one optimization may trigger another one, and this is hard to predict in advance.
- Many fancy optimizations are all three!
Current state-of-the-art: the goal is "Maximum benefit for minimum cost"