def matmul(X, Y): nrowsX = len(X) ncolsX = len(X[0]) nrowsY = len(Y) ncolsY = len(Y[0]) result = [[0 for _ in range(nrowsX)] for _ in range(ncolsY)] #initialize as separate lists for each row for i in range(nrowsX): # iterate through columns of Y for j in range(ncolsY)): # iterate through rows of Y for k in range(ncolsX): result[i][j] += X[i][k] * Y[k][j] # 3x3 matrix X = [[12,7,3], [4 ,5,6], [7 ,8,9]] # 3x4 matrix Y = [[5,8,1,2], [6,7,3,0], [4,5,9,1]] print(matmul(X, Y))
, compute X^n
//Assumes exp >= 0 def power(base, exp): if exp == 0: return 1 elif exp % 2 == 0: return power(matmul(base, base), exp/2) #recursive case 1 elif: return matmul(base, power(base, exp - 1)) #recursive case 2
def helper(R,G,B,C): if R==1 and G==0 and B==0 and C=="R": return 1 if R==0 and G==1 and B==0 and C=="G": return 1 if R==0 and G==0 and B==1 and C=="B": return 1 if C=="R" and R>0: return (helper(R-1,G,B,'G')+helper(R-1,G,B,'B')) if C=="G" and G>0: return (helper(R,G-1,B,'R')+helper(R,G-1,B,'B')) if C=="B" and B>0: return (helper(R,G,B-1,'G')+helper(R,G,B-1,'R')) else: return 0 def num_ways(R,G,B): return(helper(R,G,B,'R') + helper(R,G,B,'G') + helper(R,G,B,'B'))
LCS("BANANA", "ATANA") = LCS("BANAN", "ATAN")^"A" LCS("BANAN", "ATAN") = LCS("BANA", "ATA")^"NA" LCS("BANA", "ATA") = LCS("BAN", "AT")^"ANA" LCS("BAN", "AT") = ?
The LCS problem has an optimal substructure: the problem can be broken down into smaller, simpler subproblems, which can, in turn, be broken down into simpler subproblems, and so on, until, finally, the solution becomes trivial. LCS in particular has overlapping subproblems: the solutions to high-level subproblems often reuse solutions to lower level subproblems.
Consider two cases:
LCS("BAN", "AT")
ends with "T"
, then it cannot end with "N", and so LCS("BAN", "AT") = LCS("BA", "AT")
.LCS("BAN", "AT")
does not end with "T"
, then LCS("BAN", "AT") = LCS("BAN", "A")
.Towards a general solution:
LCS(X, Y) = "" if X or Y is an empty string LCS(X."c", Y."c") = LCS(X,Y)."c" LCS(X."c", Y."d") = max(LCS(X,Y."d"), LCS(X."c", Y)) for c not equal to d
Recursive code:
def lcs(X, Y): if len(X) == 0 or len(Y) == 0: return "" elif X[-1] == Y[-1]: return lcs(X[0:-1], Y[0:-1]) + X[-1] else: lcsY = lcs(X[0:-1], Y) lcsX = lcs(X, Y[0:-1]) if len(lcsY) < len(lcsX): return lcsX else: return lcsY