Reviewing Recursion
Recursive blue shirt
- We want to count the number of people in the room who are wearing a blue shirt
- We can't directly count (there are a lot of people in the room)
- But all of you can help
- You can ask questions of the person behind you and respond to the questions of the person in front of you
How can we solve this recursively?
The first person looks behind them:
- If there is no one there, the person responds with 1 if he/she is wearing a blue shirt or 0 if he/she is not.
- If there is someone behind the person, ask them how many people behind them (including the answerer) are wearing a blue shirt (recursive call)
- Once the person receives a response, they add 1 if he/she is wearing a blue shirt, or 0 if he/she is not, and respond to the person in front of them.
- Now I (the instructor) needs to ask everyone in the front row --- much simpler!
Recursion and cases: Every recursive algorithm involves at least two cases:
- base case: A simple occurrence that can be answered directly.
- recursive case: A more complex occurrence of the problem that cannot be directly answered, but can be instead described in terms of smaller occurrences of the same problem
Key idea: In a recursive piece of code, you handle a small part of the
overall task yourself (usually the work involves modifying the results of
the smaller problems), then make a recursive call to handle the rest.
Ask yourself, "how is ths task self-similar?"
- "How can I describe this algorithm in terms of a smaller or simpler version of itself?"
Recursion Tips
- Look for self-similarity
- Find the minimum amount of work
- Make the problem simpler by doing the least amount of work possible.
- Trust the recursion
- Find a stopping point (base case)
Three rules of recursion
- Every (valid) input must have a case (either recursive or base)
- There must be a base case that makes not recursive calls, i.e., on some input(s), the code should not make any recursive calls
- The recursive case must make the problem simpler and make forward progress to the base case. e.g., if the person behind you asks the person in front of him/her, that is not going to make progress
Recursive Program structure
def recursiveFunc(...):
if (test for simple case): # base case
# Compute the solution without recursion
else: # recursive case
# 1. Break the problem into subproblems of the same form
# 2. Call recursiveFunc() on each self-similar subproblem
# 3. Reassamble the results of the subproblems
Recursion with multiple base cases
- Fibonacci numbers
- Leonardo of Pisa (aka Fibonacci) modeled the following challenge
- Newborn pair of rabbits (one female, one male) are put in a pen
- Rabbits mate at age of one month
- Rabbits have a one month gestation period
- Assume rabbits never die, that female always produces one new pair (one male, one female) every month from its second month on.
- How many female rabbits are there at the end of one year?
Show a graphical picture of a pair of rabbits (A), they mate after one month, and generate another pair (B) after two months. After three months, the original pair produces another pair (C); while pair B mates. After four months, both pairs A and B, produce two pairs (D and E), while C mates. And so on...
Let's work out the numbers:
- After one month (call it 0): 1 female
- After second month --- still one female (now pregnant)
- After third month --- two females, one pregnant, one not
- In general:
females(n) = females(n-1)+females(n-2)
- Every female alive at month
will produce one female
in month n
- These can be added to those alive in month
to get total
alive in month n
- Base cases:
- females(0) = 1
- females(1) = 1
- Recursive case:
- females(n) = females(n-1) + females(n-2)
def fib(x):
"""assume x an int >= 0
returns Fibonacci of x"""
if x == 0 or x == 1:
return 1
return fib(x-1) + fib(x-2)
Recursion on Non-Numerics
- how to check if a string of characters is a palindrome, i.e., reads the
same forwards and backwards
- "Able was I, ere I saw Elba" --- attributed to Napoleon
- "Are we not drawn onward, we few, drawn onward to new era? --- attributed to Anne Michaels
Solving recursively?
- First, convert the string to just characters, by stripping out punctuation, and converting upper case to lower case
- Then
- Base case: a string of length 0 or 1 is a palindrome
- Recursive case:
- If first character matches last character, then is a palindrome if middle section is a palindrome
- "Able was I, ere I saw Elba" --> "ablewasiereisawelba"
is same as:
"a" == "a"
and isPalindrome("blewasiereisawelb")
def isPalindrome(s):
def toChars(s):
s = s.lower()
ans = ''
for c in s:
if c in 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz':
ans = ans + c
return ans
def isPal(s):
if len(s) <= 1:
return True
return s[0] == s[-1] and isPal(s[1:-1])
return isPal(toChars(s))
This is an example of a divide and conquer algorithm.
- Solve a hard problem by breaking it into a set of subproblems such that:
- subproblems are easier to solve than the original
- solutions of the subproblems can be combined to solve the original
Exercise: Write a function power
that accepts integer parameters for a base and exponent and computes base ^ exponent
- First write code using for-loop
- Now write a recursive version of this function (one that calls itself)
- Solve the problem without using any loops.
- How is the problem self-similar? x^n = x * x^(n-1)
- What is the minimum amount of work? multiplication
- How can we make the problem simpler by doing the least amount of work?
- What is our stopping point (base case)? n = 0. Why not n=1?
//Assumes exp >= 0
def power(base, exp):
if exp == 0:
return 1
return base * power(base, exp - 1)
Show the execution of power(5, 3);
Can we do better? Notice that x^18 = (x*x)^9; x^9=x*x^8
//Assumes exp >= 0
def power(base, exp):
if exp == 0:
return 1
elif exp % 2 == 0:
return power(base * base, exp/2) #recursive case 1
return base * power(base, exp - 1) #recursive case 2