Approximate solutions
What if we are interested in approximate solutions for numbers that are not
perfect cubes?
- good enough solution
- start with a guess and increment by some small value
- keep guessing until
|guess3-cube| >= epsilon
for some small epsilon
cube = int(input("Enter a number: ")
epsilon = 0.01
guess = 0.0
increment = 0.0001
num_guesses = 0
while abs(guess**3 - cube) >= epsilon and guess <= cube:
guess += increment
num_guesses += 1
if abs(guess**3 - cube) >= epsilon:
print('Failed on cube root of', cube)
print(guess, 'is close to the cube root of', cube)
- decreasing increment size -> slower program
- increasing epsilon -> less accurate answer
Bisection Search
- half interval each iteration
- new guess is halfway in between
- Play a game to illustrate this
Finding the cube root through a bisection search
cube = int(input("Enter a number: ")
epsilon = 0.01
low = 0
high = cube
guess = (low+high)/2.0
num_guesses = 0
while abs(guess**3 - cube) >= epsilon:
if guess**3 < cube:
low = guess
high = guess
guess = (high + low)/2.0
num_guesses += 1
print 'num_guesses =', num_guesses
print(guess, 'is close to the cube root of', cube)
Convergence of Bisection Search
- Search space (using
- first guess:
- second guess:
- kth guess:
- guess converges on the order of
- bisection search works when value of function varies monotonically with input
- code as shown only works for positive cubes > 1 -- why?
- challenges:
- modify to work with negative cubes!
- modify to work with cube<1!
- For
, search space is 0
to x
, but cube root is greater than cube
and less than 1
- Modify the code to choose the search space depending on value of
- More code is not necessarily a good thing
- Measure good programmers by the amount of functionality
- Introduce functions
- Mechanism to achieve decomposition and abstraction
Example: Pen
- A pen is a black-box
- We don't need to know how it works
- Know the interface: click before use, press against paper to release ink
- Abstraction: do not need to know how pen works to use it.
- Different components in the pen are manufactured by different entities. The assembler simply assembles the components to produce something useful.
- Decomposition: different components work together to achieve an end goal.
In programming, create structure with decomposition
- Divide code into modules:
- Modules are self contained
- used to break-up code
- intended to be reusable
- keep code organized
- keep code coherent
In this lecture, we achieve decomposition with functions. Later, we achieve
decomposition with classes.
Functions are reusable pieces/chunks of code. Functions are not run in a program until they are called or invoked in a program. Function characteristics:
- has a name
- has parameters (0 or more)
- has a docstring (optional but recommended)
- has a body
- returns something
Writing a function
def is_odd(i): #keyword name parameeters
""" #docstring begin
Input: i, a positive int
Returns true if i is odd, otherwise False
""" #docstring end
print("inside is_odd")
return i%2 == 1 #return is a keyword
is_odd(4) #later in the code, you call the function using its name and values for parameters