Exhaustive search and backtracking

Exhaustive search: exploring every possible combination from a set of choices or values Applications: Often the search space consists of many decisions, each of which has several available choices.

General pseudo-code algorithm for exhaustive search:

1. We generally iterate over "decisions". What are we iterating over here? The iteration will be done by recursion.
2. What are the "choices" for each decision? Do we need a for loop?

3. How can we "represent" that choice? How should we "modify the parameters"?
   a) Do we need to use a "wrapper" due to extra parameters?

4. How do we "un-modify" the parameters from step 3? Do we need to explicitly un-modify or are they copied? Are the un-modified at the same level as they were modified?

Base case
5. What should we do in the "base case" when we are out of decisions?

Example? printAllBinary


  1. We are iterating over characters in the binary string
  2. Choices: 0 or 1
  3. Representation? Build up a string that we will eventually print. Add the 0 or 1 to it. String tracks our previous choices.
  4. Unchoosing? If new strings for ever call, do not need to un-choose (they are getting copied)
  5. Base case? print the accumulated string
printAllBinaryHelper(int digits, string soFar)
  if (digits == 0) {
    cout << soFar << endl;
  } else {
    printAllBinaryHelper(digits - 1, soFar + "0");
    printAllBinaryHelper(digits - 1, soFar + "1");

void printAllBinary(int numDigits)
  printAllBinaryHelper(numDigits, "");
Show the tree of calls (also called the call tree or decision tree). Each node in the tree is a tuple of (digits, soFar). Discuss the meaning of the base case.

Notice that un-choosing was not required because we are copying the string representation (due to pass-by-value) on every recursive call. If we instead use pass-by-reference, the code would look something like the following (and it includes un-choosing logic):

printAllBinaryHelper(int digits, string &soFar)
  if (digits == 0) {
    cout << soFar << endl;
  } else {
    soFar = soFar + "0";
    printAllBinaryHelper(digits - 1, soFar);
    soFar = soFar.substr(0, soFar.length() - 1);
    soFar = soFar + "1";
    printAllBinaryHelper(digits - 1, soFar);
    soFar = soFar.substr(0, soFar.length() - 1);

void printAllBinary(int numDigits)
  string soFar = "";
  printAllBinaryHelper(numDigits, soFar);

Another example: printAllDecimal(int numDigits): need a loop here.

printAllDecimalHelper(int digits, string soFar)
  if (digits == 0) {
    cout << soFar << endl;
  } else {
    for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
      printAllDecimalHelper(digits - 1, soFar + integerToString(i));

void printAllDecimal(int numDigits)
  printAllDecimalHelper(numDigits, "");
Observation: when the set of digit choices available is large, using a loop to enumerate them results in shorter code (this is okay!)
Note: loop over choices, not decisions.
If the number of choices is variable, will need to use a loop, e.g., chess game.