Using Stanford Libraries without using QT creator


Steps to use stanford libraries.

0. Make sure you have cmake installed (If it is not installed and it is your personal laptop, install using: sudo apt install cmake . For machines in CSC or LHC labs, ignore this step)

1. Download and extract it to place of your choice.

2. Right click and select open in terminal in the folder you have just extracted

3. Run by typing ./ on the terminal. You need to do this only once on IITD Machines.

4. The stanford libaries will install in a while and successfull installation will print that libraries are installed.


Compilation instructions

0. Write your code as usual using gedit. You can use any libary of stanford now, i.e. you can do #include "simpio.h" in your code

1. Compile using compile <filename.cpp> instead of g++ <filename.cpp>

2. Run the program as ./a.out