Lab 8: File and Directory Operations, File I/O, and Reading Input

File and Directory Operations

Creating a Directory

To create a directory, use the os.mkdir() function. This function creates a new directory at the specified path.

import os # Create a directory named "example_dir" os.mkdir("example_dir")

If you need to create multiple nested directories, use os.makedirs().

import os # Create nested directories os.makedirs("parent_dir/child_dir")

Renaming a Directory

To rename a directory, use the os.rename() function. This function renames the directory from the old name to the new name.

import os # Rename the directory from "example_dir" to "new_example_dir" os.rename("example_dir", "new_example_dir")

Moving a Directory

To move a directory, use the shutil.move() function from the shutil module. This function moves the directory to the specified destination.

import shutil # Move the directory to a new location shutil.move("new_example_dir", "moved_example_dir")

Checking if a Directory Exists

To check if a directory exists, use the os.path.exists() function. This function returns True if the directory exists, and False otherwise.

import os # Check if the directory exists if os.path.exists("moved_example_dir"): print("Directory exists") else: print("Directory does not exist")

Listing Directories

To list all directories in a given path, use the os.listdir() function. This function returns a list of all files and directories in the specified path.

import os # List all directories in the current directory directories = [d for d in os.listdir(".") if os.path.isdir(d)] print(directories)

Deleting a Directory

To delete a directory, use the os.rmdir() function for an empty directory, or shutil.rmtree() for a directory that may contain files and subdirectories.

import os import shutil # Remove an empty directory os.rmdir("empty_dir") # Remove a directory with contents shutil.rmtree("dir_with_contents")

File I/O

Reading from Files

To read from a file, use the open() function with the r mode and then use the read(), readline(), or readlines() methods.

Example: Reading Entire File

with open("example.txt", "r") as file: content = print(content)

Example: Reading File Line by Line

with open("example.txt", "r") as file: for line in file: print(line.strip())

Writing to Files

To write to a file, use the open() function with the w mode and then use the write() or writelines() methods.

Example: Writing to a File

with open("example.txt", "w") as file: file.write("Hello, world!")

Appending to Files

To append to a file, use the open() function with the a mode.

Example: Appending to a File

with open("example.txt", "a") as file: file.write("\nThis is an appended line.")

Copying File Contents

To copy the contents of one file to another, use the shutil.copyfile() function.

Example: Copying File Contents

import shutil shutil.copyfile("source.txt", "destination.txt")

Merging Files

To merge the contents of two files, read both files and write their contents to a new file.

Example: Merging Files

with open("file1.txt", "r") as file1, open("file2.txt", "r") as file2, open("merged.txt", "w") as merged_file: merged_file.write( + "\n" +

Reading Input

Reading a List of Space-Separated Integers

To read a list of space-separated integers, use the input() function and then split and convert the input.

Example: Reading Space-Separated Integers

input_string = input("Enter space-separated integers: ") numbers = list(map(int, input_string.split())) print(numbers)

Reading Multiple Lines of Input

To read multiple lines of input, use a loop that reads each line until a termination condition is met.

Example: Reading Multiple Lines

print("Enter lines of text (type 'STOP' to end):") lines = [] while True: line = input() if line == "STOP": break lines.append(line) print(lines)

Reading Multiple lines of input

In programming, input is often given as multiple lines, where the first line contains an integer n, followed by n lines of data.

Example: Reading multiple lines of input

n = int(input()) data = [] for _ in range(n): data.append(input().strip()) print(data)

Exercise Problems

Problem 1: Given a file with path filename containing a list of integers separated by spaces, write a Python program to read the file and print the sum of the integers.

# Read the file and calculate the sum of integers def sum_integers(filename): pass

Problem 2: Write a Python program that reads a file input_file containing a list of words separated by spaces and writes the unique words to a new file output_file, each on a new line in alphabetical order.

# Read the file and write unique words to a new file def unique_words(input_file, output_file): pass

Problem 3: Read a file input_file containing a variable number of space-separated strings in each line, in a word-by-word manner. When the word "STOP" is encountered, among these strings, stop reading the file and write each word read in input_file before "STOP" along with its frequency. Write the output to a new file output_file in the format word: frequency.

# Read the file and write word frequencies to a new file def word_frequencies(input_file, output_file): pass # Example Test case # input.txt: # apple banana apple cherry # mango apple banana STOP panda goose # pumpkin apple cherry # output.txt: # apple: 3 # banana: 2 # cherry: 1 # mango: 1

Problem 4: Given a list of directories dirs, write a Python program to create these directories if they do not exist. If the directories already exist, print a message indicating that the directory already exists. In each directory, create a file named with the content "This is a README file for directory dir_name", where dir_name is the name of the directory.

# Create directories and README files def create_directories(dirs): pass

Problem 5: Modify line within file filename by replacing the line at index line_number(startin line is at index 1) with the new line new_line. Check if the line number is valid and return True if the line was modified successfully, False otherwise.

def modify_line(filename, line_number, new_line): pass

Problem 6: Read CSV file. Given a file filename in the CSV format, write a Python program to read the file and return a dictionary where each dictionary represents a column with dictionary key as the column header and the value as a list of values in that column. The first row of the CSV file contains the column headers, separated by a comma. The subsequent rows contain the data, also separated by commas. The data in each row corresponds to the column header in the same position.

# Read the CSV file and return a list of dictionaries def read_csv(filename): pass # Example Test case # filename: data.csv # Name,Age,Gender # Alice,25,F # Bob,30,M # Charlie,35,M # David,40,M # Output: # {'Name': ['Alice', 'Bob', 'Charlie', 'David'], 'Age': ['25', '30', '35', '40'], 'Gender': ['F', 'M', 'M', 'M']}

Problem 7: Write a Python program that reads all files within the current directory and does the following:

  1. It checks the file's extension and categorizes the files into different lists based on the extension. Files having no extensions are also a separate category. An extension is the part of the filename after the last dot.

  2. For each category, it creates a new directory(if such a directory already does not exist) with the name of the directories being the extension name. It then moves the files to the corresponding directories.

# Categorize files based on extension and move them to directories def categorize_files(): pass

Problem 8: Directory synchronization: Given two directories dir1 and dir2, write a Python program to synchronize the contents of the two directories. The program should do the following:

  1. If a file/folder exists in dir1 but not in dir2, copy the file/folder from dir1 to dir2.
  2. If a file/folder exists in dir2 but not in dir1, copy the file/folder from dir2 to dir1.
  3. If a file/folder exists in both directories but has different contents, overwrite the file/folder in dir2 with the file from dir1.
# Synchronize directories def synchronize_directories(dir1, dir2): pass